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Pigs pigs feeding


I would like to know more about pigs feeding calculation
Pigs are fed depending on their age, piglets require starter meal from 1 week to 3 months and it is recommended that they have it free choice so that they grow well from start. Initially they eat very little but as they grow feed should be increased at an approximate rate of 50g each per day. By 3 months, they will require about 1kg of feed per head per day. The rate of feed increase should be sustained all the way and by 4 months each pig would require about 2kg of grower feed per day. By 4.5 months a well growing pig will require about 3kg of feed per day of pig finisher in preparation for market at between 6-7 months on average.


New member
well, also you have to provide enough exercise as some sow tend to fatten which affect mating. the first service for gilt should done 7-8 months . 10days before service, give the sow/ gilt 1-2 kg of feed extra per day