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Chickens What is future of poultry farming in Kenya? Is the sector growing or is it a bubble that might burst in the near future?


New member
Lets share on this to the new and young farmers make well informed decisions about their investments


I feel this is a great topic to discuss. Since the population of East Africa is growing so quickly and the demand for white meat is rising, it is a great sector to be in if you play your cards right...

However, without doing the proper training, marketing, and research things will not go well. Finding the right marketplaces is a huge issue for many farmers because they often ignore it until the last minute when their product is ready.

A big area of opportunity is bringing farmers together to create COOPs to buy and sell as one unit. Once we can organize this in a proper way the sector will have many more opportunities.

I would like to hear from @Keystone Poultry Farm and @nedward on this topic!


New member
Thank you. Great advice. As a new entrant in the sector, where can i access training and advice from the experts?


Hello @R.B we have lots of free resources on this platform under "Education & Resources" and you are always welcome to ask for advice from our experts in the Farmer's forum.

We actually have an online certificate course here at eLengo. Check out the course outline below and let me know if you are interested in joining.

Click Here: Introduction to Kienyeji Poultry Farming
I feel this is a great topic to discuss. Since the population of East Africa is growing so quickly and the demand for white meat is rising, it is a great sector to be in if you play your cards right...

However, without doing the proper training, marketing, and research things will not go well. Finding the right marketplaces is a huge issue for many farmers because they often ignore it until the last minute when their product is ready.

A big area of opportunity is bringing farmers together to create COOPs to buy and sell as one unit. Once we can organize this in a proper way the sector will have many more opportunities.

I would like to hear from @Keystone Poultry Farm and @nedward on this topic!
Sorry for the late response. Poultry farming is a good business but only if done in the right way and with the ryt knowledge, this is why we have come together with eLengo to reach out to as many poyential farmers as possible to help them achieve their goals in poultry farming, poultry farming is not for the old as most people assume, we advice other farmers to seek information and talk to experienced farmers before investing their funds in this, another best option is to take the course so that you can learn from our mistakes and the mistakes of others other than learning from your own mistakes which can be very very costly and in the long run you end up losing the project as a whole, there are challanges in poultry farming but with good guidance it's the best, we have experience in poultry farming and we totally have no regrets in venturing into it.


Going by what I read in the press and comments from farmers in a FB group I belong to, egg business in particular is headed for rough times. Where I live, hawkers are selling eggs at 10Ksh per egg.


The only way out for poultry farmers is go franchise. Produce your own chicks, formulate your own rations and get direct link to the final consumer. In otherwords it is much important to understand the entire poultry production value chain so as to control unnecessary production and marketing cost. Bottom line is that there is future in poultry farming as more farmers are getting enlightened on aspects of the business.however farmers need to fully understand the commercial view of poultry business. It is high time poultry farmers started working and farming through cooperatives or groups. This ensures they benefit from economies of scale hence better profit margins.