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Onions Advice for My Onions


Service Provider
If your challenge facing your crop is poor supply of water into your field , then make use of drip irrigation...get assured of reliable water supply then you can produce efficiently and effectively as the primary thing in the production of any crop is water assurance

Alfred Opiyo

Certified Expert
In Isiolo temperatures are usually high therefore water requirements are also high at the same time rate of evapotraspiration is excessively high.In addition my pieces of advice would be:-

*Do soil organic matter content improvement in a bid raide water re-tainability/ holding capacity by applying enough FYM- Farm yard manure or compost manure
*Apply mulch to help you conserve available soil moisture and keep soil temperature cool and manage weeds so that you don't keep on disturbing the soil hence
* Instead of flat ground or raised beds plant onions in sunken beds, apractice that really good results in area where rain fall are mininal and tempratures are hot e.g in Estern province, Laikipia east and Leeward sides of Meru bordering Isiolo
*Embrace drip irrigation system for it's precise and economical

Alfred Opiyo

Certified Expert
sunken beds
Alfred opiyo can you elaborate more how is this practically done, can it be done to any crop,
Sunken beds technology is nornally practised in areas which normally receives low amount of rainfall that may not sustain crops production as away of conservation method to little amount of water supplied through irirrigation or naturally received from rain. Sunken beds reduce soil surface where crops are planted from maximum solar heat hence little evaporation /reduced amount of water loss.
Practical preparation of sunken beds entails scooping out top soil to adepth of 30cm -45cm deep, put aside( top soil) to be mixed with well decomposed manure.
Dig further another 30 cm put separately then refill the trough/hole/basin left with mixture of top soil(the first scooped soil ) +well decomposed manure thereby forming a planting area but sunken/slightly deep as compared to other areas this will act as water collection basin for your crops and from research and practical experience this remain moist for along period areservoir for your crops. Check below diagram illustrations below.
Sunken beds are applicable to most horticultural crops.
Please feel free to ask any further question if you've


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