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Vegetables How to prepare onion nursery bed


Certified Expert
Some knowledge onion planting
Hi John.
Before preparing the nursery bed, select a good site considering the following factors.
-availability of water
-previous crop
- topography
-soil type
- security
Bed preparation
Clear the Land
Double dig or plough the land
Remove stumps, roots and break the hard pans.
Depending with the location and ecological conditions, you can opt to raise the beds or have then sunken bed.
If raised, it should be 15-20cm in height
The bed size should be 1 m width and the length depends with the number of seeds to be sowed.
level the bed and make furrows 15-20 cm apart.
Sow the seeds singly. On average 5- 8 grams per m²
One can mix sand and onions seeds in ratio of 3:1 to ensure uniform distribution of seeds.
Mulch the nursery bed and water until the seeds germinate.
After germination remove the mulch and continue with the management practices.
The seedlings will be ready for transplanting after 5-6 weeks


Certified Expert
Thanks Ann, what brands of onions would produce high yield? How long does it take to harvest onions after transplanting
There are many high yielding varieties such as jambar, Red couch, Islero. The onions will be ready for harvesting after 3-5 months depending with the variety.