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Other Crops Mango farming diseases and management

Alfred Opiyo

Certified Expert
Hello, this can be managed by spraying copper based fungicide e.g copper oxychloride or any other contact/systemic fungicide.
The following fungicides can be used interchangeably against Anthracnose in order to prevent resistant build- up.
RANSOM 600WP 10g/20l, DOMAIN 250EC 15ml/20l, DUCASSE 250EC 20ml/20l,MEGAPRODE LOCK 525WP 20g/20l andCHARIOT 500SC 20ml/20l.
benzimidazole can also be used since the disease appear to be Mango anthracnose or Bacterial mango black spot even though the best control time was at flowering stage or when fruits began forming.
Field hygiene should also be practiced by disinfecting field operation tools like pruning knife/saw. Collect all dropped and rotten fruits and discard a way from the field.
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Alfred Opiyo

Certified Expert
Yes basically it's all about field hygiene, early prevention by applying protective fungicide preferably systemic, control flying insect pests which escalate the spread and finally ensure affected braches are pruned out which will help in preventing disease re-occurrence next season and same time opens up the tree thereby increase free air circulation which is a cultural method of controlling fungi growth and attack.


New member
Hello am seeking advise on how to manage ants after I plant any fruit tree ants attack and they dry.