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Active member
The biggest misconception we always have when it comes to farming is that we get into it to become rich, you will see most people say I want to start with 100 chicks yet they don't even know what to feed them. My advice would be to start small, breed your flock, know which performs better and learn first about the basics before taking the next steps.

Your motivation should be born out of a passion for keeping Chicken, it shouldn't be all about money.

If you want to learn the basics of chicken farming make sure to sign up for our online poultry course!

could you kindly compare the performance of rainbow roosters vs Kari Improved with special focus on: maturity age, egg laying by year, weight at maturity , desisease resistance(Low, High) and feedding quantities(Normal,Medium,High) using the latest research figures.


New member
I have one question, recently I purchased layers feed and since my kuku are mixed with jogoos is there any problem if i gave layers feed to jogoos?

Arthur Gm

New member
That is what I started with before learning a lesson by killing my chicks, now am taking it slow and happy the flock is growing bigger and am more happy