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Poultry Definitive diagnosis of the following signs


My 2 weeks old chicks are dying one by one daily. Observed signs include watery diarrhoea that is greenish yellow, feathers appear soiled and drooping as if they are very heavy, inactiveness, reducee feeding and eventually death, what could be the problem and its treatment?


Hello Lymnea your chickens are suffering from coccidiosis disease that has the above mentioned signs, the colour in the feacal material is because the eimeria pathogens causing this diseases causes petechial hemorrhages in the intestines leading to destruction of the intestinal mucosa.
Administer ESB3 30% and Vetoxy 20% in drinking water for 5 days.
Ensure you maintain hygiene of the poultry house making sure the beddings are dry and use wood shavings instead of sawdust.
Have a biosecurity mechanism in place such as disinfectant footbath at the entrance.
Please give feedback after the treatment period is over.


I also have adult chicken with an ailment especially roosters. The comb has turned bluish, started with difficulty in breathing and produced kind of a raspy sound while breathing (generator like sound), breathing with the mouth open, the sound is almost lost, eyes seem sunken, went to local agrovet,, was given biotrim vet to administer for seven consecutive days,, no change and later given arocycline and still no change, what could be the definitive diagnosis and its curative treatment?


i am not sure about the smell but the watery fluid around eyes is affirmative. No Swelling but instead eyea appeared sunken. After the administration of the two recommended medications, the voice of the roosters has still not improved, though no discharge from eyes currently


Okey we are dealing with Chronic respiratory disease (CRD) , which is characterized by sneezing, difficult in breathing, wheezing sound and anorexia.
The morbidity is high but mortality is low.
On treatment chickens respond well to drugs that contain tylosin compound
I therefore recommend you withdraw the current medication.
Then administer Tylodox 100 and amylate multivitamin. For 5 days too.
And give feedback on their progress after the medication.


  1. Will do, the coccidiosis problem has been recurrent over the years. Is there a treatment one can use to fumigate the coop and the environment in which the birds reside? Is it also advisable to make one preparation say 5 litres of the medication and divide it into water troughs and let it stay for the given 5 days? Also, doesn't CRD affect hen because only roosters seem affected. Last question, is the treatment for coccidiosis that you have recommended applicable to 1 - 3 months old chicks that i suspect to be suffering from the same as i have observed them to have bloody faeces? could you please give me an approximate price of the recommended medications.


  1. To control and prevent coccidiosis , maintain hygiene and yes you can disinfectant the coop using a low potent disinfectant such as Norocleans while you use a strong one for the environment within such as Kerol.
  2. Its not advisable to mix the drug the way you are saying. Ensure everyday you pour down the remaining medicated water in the drinkers, clean the drinkers and mix a fresh preparation .
3.CRD does affect but its not infectious that why it can remain on just a few birds .
  1. Use the same recommended treatment for the 1-3months old chickens its alright.
  2. Am not sure of your locality the market prices do vary but will always fall within such:
  3. ESB3 30% -Ksh.300 for 25gms
  4. Vetoxy 20% ksh.300 for 100gms
3.Tylodox 100 ksh.500 for 100gms
4.amylate ksh. 300 for 100gms.


Thanks, are anticoccidiostats advisable to use as preventive treatment and if yes, which is the best anticoccidiostat